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Caregiver Grief/Trauma Yoga & Meditation

with coffee hour after!

  • 5 US dollars
  • Sensational Fun

Service Description

In partnership with Jennifer Marie's Healing Hearts and Mental Health Advocates of WNY, we are excited to offer a Caregiver Grief & Trauma Yoga Class followed by coffee hour at Sensational Fun! This is for Caregivers of a child with special needs or mental health struggles. Grief gets “stuck” in our bodies and in our energy, and Jennifer has put together a class that helped her work through her own grief, with breath, movement and sound. This is a gentle class including breathing techniques, gentle yoga, movement, sound bowls, and a healing reiki meditation Cost- $5 deposit (which will then be returned on the day of class). As long as you come, the class is FREE thanks to MHAWNY!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

********************************************************************************************* Cancellation of FREE programs are appreciated ASAP (and required to stay off the naughty list) so another family can benefit. PAID programs require a week notice for Social Skill Weeks and 3 days in advance of one day programs or events to get a refund. ****Please send out a new message if you are unable to attend the program you signed up for. Please DO NOT REPLY to the TEXT reminders, as we can NOT see those messages. Thank you for your understanding. ***

Contact Details

  • 2881 Southwestern Boulevard, Orchard Park, NY, USA

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